Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics

9, 1, pp. 73-88, Warsaw 1971

Niektóre własności biomechanizmów o zmiennej strukturze

Kazimierz Fidelus, Adam Morecki
This paper deals with the structural and functional analysis of upper and lower extremities of a man and the anterior extremity of a horse, Basing on the structural relation, the mobility of these ''mechanisms'' was established and some problems of muscle drives were investigated. This analysis shows some regularities in collocation of nuiscle drives and some changes in relation to the specialisation of the extremity. In spite of structural-functional analysis, the simplified static analysis of the system equipped with muscles of first and second class was given and some advantages of these systems were shown. An example of photoelastic analysis is given, showing the advantages resulting from the application of muscles of various classes operating appropriate joints. The results of the present paper will be applied in the synthesis of biomanipulators similar to the extremities.