Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics

51, 3, pp. 553-567, Warsaw 2013

Development of a thermal model in the metal cutting process for prediction of temperature distributions at the tool-chip-workpiece interface

Abdelkader Karas, Mohamed Bouzit, Mustapha Belarbi
The prediction of temperature distributions in the tool-chip-workpiece interface is not obvious with the complexity of the induced phenomena. For this purpose, we developed a thermal model in orthogonal metal cutting based on the thermal model of Komanduri and Hou that determines temperature distributions in the tool-chip-workpiece separately, each in its own axes system. The overall distribution is obtained by assembling three temperature distributions at the tool-chip-workpiece interface. Our developed model returns global temperature distributions in the real time throughout the tool-chip-workpiece in the same coordinate system. Our simulation results compared to the original maps showed a perfect correspondence, unlike the computation time and computation steps.
Keywords: orthogonal metal cutting; thermal modeling; moving heat source