Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics

41, 3, pp. 473-486, Warsaw 2003

Interaction of cylindrical shell and spherical body in ideal compressible medium

Victoria Dzyuba
This paper presents analytical and numerical investigations of the interaction between a cylindrical elastic shell surrounded by an unbounded ideal compressible liquid and containing other compressible liquid with a vibrating spherical inclusion in it. Only small amplitudes of the vibrations are considered, therefore the linear theory of elastic shells is used, and the behavior of liquids is described by the Helmholtz equations. Approach to the solution of such a problem is based on the re-expansion of partial solutions to the Helmholtz equation written in cylindrical coordinates by spherical functions and vice versa . The results obtained may be used for researching processes of vibro-displacement and localization, decontamination of liquid media, airing and dispersion, in bioacoustics, defectoscopy, cardiovascular medicine and in technologies for reconstruction of oil production in corked wells.
Keywords: thin elastic circular cylindrical shell; vibrating spherical body; ideal compressible liquid; cylindrical and spherical wave functions