Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics

13, 2, pp. 159-168, Warsaw 1975

Rozwój mechaniki analitycznej w pracach A. Przeborskiego i A. Wundheilera

Aszot Tigranowicz Grigorian, Borys Naumowicz Fradlin
The considerable contributions of A. Przeborski and A. Wundheiler to the development of analytical mechanics are discussed in the paper. A. Przeborski is one of the founders of non-linear anholonomic mechanics: he generalized the d'Alembert-Lagrange principle to the dynamics and mechanical systems with non-linear anholonomic constraints of the first kind and thus derived the generalized dynamic equations for such systems. The ideas of A. Przeborski were further developed by a Soviet scientist M. F. Sulgin who succeeded in obtaining a rather general set of differential equations of non-holonomic dynamics in Lagrangean coordinates involving but one function – the kinetic energy or the acceleration
energy. A. Wundheiler is one of the co-founders of analytical mechanics of holonomic and non-holonomic systems on the basis of the methods of modern differential geometry and tensor calculus. He has to be considered as the first mechanician to construct the absolute rheonomic geometry and mechanics.