Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics

12, 4, pp. 439-458, Warsaw 1974

Badania modelowe powłoki hiperboloidalnej chłodni kominowej poddanej wymuszonym przemieszczeniom

Reinhold Kałuża
Influence of vertical displacements of lower edge of hyperboloidal cooling tower on internal forces on base of model tests is presented. Tests were carried out using models 1:120 made of ,,Epidian 5'' epoxy resin. Displacements of model lower edge were realized in vertical (parallel to shell axis of symmetry) and horizontal direction using special arrangement. Displacement amplitudes were realized in wider range than those assumed as limits of linear thin-shell theory, from geometrical point of view. Extreme fibre strains and shell mean surface displacements were recorded. Diagrams of forces, strains and shell mean surface displacements as functions of lower edge displacement are presented. It occurs that these parameters are in wide range linearly dependent on the value of forced displacement of lower edge.